Saturday, May 5, 2012

Movie: Bel Ami

It is no secret that I am Team Edward. But Robert Pattinson... He really is a terrible actor. That being said, he is not what is wrong with the film. Bel Ami suffers greatly from a rushed plot, one that fails to define Georges and his horrible nature in any real way. It is only through the use of some sinister music and a close up of Rob - looking like he really needs to go to the bathroom - that we discover his true, angry side. It is over-used and ineffective. 

We are also rushed through the development of his relationships with the women he supposedly manipulates. Rob is not a skilled enough actor to swiftly move from these scenes where he first meets a women, then beds her, then casts her aside. We are often left wondering, what just happened? And the most rushed scene of all - the ending. Seriously, if you blink, you miss it and are left wondering, AGAIN, what just happened?

Perhaps I am just angry that all of those supposed scenes of his naked ass appear to be cut from the American release. Or maybe it is his greasy, non-Edward hair. Yes, I can be that easily swayed. If you feel the need to see this movie, then I highly recommend that you read the book first.

Listening to: Reckoner by Radiohead. Can't take it with you...

   ah Edward....

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