Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I've been pricing out hotels in NY for a trip in September. I have not found anything "decent" for under $450! Is it me or is that just the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard. Granted, it's been several months, at least, since I've been to the big Apple, but how could prices go up that much?

Obviously there is the demand. If people are paying then the prices will remain as high as they can. And, of course, I'm going to have to pay. It's just like sports and athletes. They make as much money as they do (as opposed to teachers, police and firefighters (yum)) because of the demand from fans. Fans are willing to pay higher ticket prices and higher cable tv prices to watch their games and favorite players. So the players can demand more and more money.

I love NY, but no one should have to sell a kidney to afford to visit...

Monday, July 30, 2007

It's raining, it's pouring...

...I wish I were still snoring. :)
Today is one of those days, really, when you just want to stay in bed and listen to the rain. It is so comforting. It's hard to get motivated to do anything else, except maybe watch a movie.

I just re-watched the Witches of Eastwick. I love that movie but I haven't seen it in many years. Up next, The Queen and The Fountain. Not sure which one will go first, stay tuned.

Of course, this will all be taking place tonight, after work. Because it's Monday.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'll take mine with a side of karma

Today's horoscope:

Although it might feel as if time is running out, it's just another illusion, for your urgency may be based on unrealistic fears. Nevertheless, there is much for you to finish and you want to get it all completed. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Then, open them and return to work. Do this often during the day and you'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

You have no idea...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What are friends for?

My friend (Lisa's mom) is a great motivator. When I am down she always cheers me up. And regardless of my mood she always makes me laugh. She is one of the best people I know, and I know alot of great people!

Be thankful and appreciative of your friends. For without them, well, you know...

Next up...San Diego

I have nothing planned until San Diego. That's not til September. I suppose it won't hurt to be home in the summer, but I can already feel myself getting restless and it's effecting (or is that affecting...?) my mood.

Maybe I'll go to the Cape for a weekend. As crowded as it gets, it's still the best place to be. Apart from London that is. When it's not under a terrorist threat. Why would anyone want to hurt London? It's such a magnificant city, see:

It's one of the few places I would choose to live. In no particular order:
New York
San Francisco

Not that I consider moving, I love it here. With the exception of a few people, almost everyone of importance in my life is here. Not that those on the exception list aren't important. But they are too spread out for me to be near no matter where I move. So I'll just stay here, and wait until September.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Miss Manners

I like this, it makes me feel good to read it...

"Manners are about showing consideration and using empathy. But they are also about being connected to a common good; they are about being better. Respect and consideration are traditionally due to people for all sorts of reasons, some big, some small. Here are 20 reasons to show special politeness to other people:

1. They are older
2. They know more than you do.
3. They know less than you do.
4. They got here first.
5. They have educational qualifications in the subject under discussion.
6. You are in their house.
7. They once helped you financially.
8. They have been good to you all your life.
9. They are less fortunate than you.
10. They have achieved special status in the world.
11. You are serving them in a shop.
12. They are in the right.
13. They are your boss.
14. They work for you.
15. They are a policeman/teacher/doctor/judge.
16. They are in need.
17. They are doing you a favor.
18. They paid for the tickets.
19. You phoned them, not the other way around.
20. They have a menial job. "

Taken from the book Talk to the Hand: Talk to the Hand:The Utter Blood Rudeness of Everyday Life (or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door) by Lynne Truss.


I thought this was funny, so I'll start off with it....

A baby seal walks into a club.
I'll repeat myself. A baby seal walks into a club.