Saturday, July 28, 2007

Next up...San Diego

I have nothing planned until San Diego. That's not til September. I suppose it won't hurt to be home in the summer, but I can already feel myself getting restless and it's effecting (or is that affecting...?) my mood.

Maybe I'll go to the Cape for a weekend. As crowded as it gets, it's still the best place to be. Apart from London that is. When it's not under a terrorist threat. Why would anyone want to hurt London? It's such a magnificant city, see:

It's one of the few places I would choose to live. In no particular order:
New York
San Francisco

Not that I consider moving, I love it here. With the exception of a few people, almost everyone of importance in my life is here. Not that those on the exception list aren't important. But they are too spread out for me to be near no matter where I move. So I'll just stay here, and wait until September.

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