Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I've been pricing out hotels in NY for a trip in September. I have not found anything "decent" for under $450! Is it me or is that just the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard. Granted, it's been several months, at least, since I've been to the big Apple, but how could prices go up that much?

Obviously there is the demand. If people are paying then the prices will remain as high as they can. And, of course, I'm going to have to pay. It's just like sports and athletes. They make as much money as they do (as opposed to teachers, police and firefighters (yum)) because of the demand from fans. Fans are willing to pay higher ticket prices and higher cable tv prices to watch their games and favorite players. So the players can demand more and more money.

I love NY, but no one should have to sell a kidney to afford to visit...

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