Sunday, December 29, 2013


The weekend between Christmas and New Year's is strange. If you are not travelling and visiting family or if you don't have children, is it just a regular weekend? For me, I guess the answer is yes.

I went to the movies and saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I really enjoyed reading this series and I thought they did a fine job with the first movie. Catching Fire was even better. The film does an excellent job at capturing both the grittiness of District life and the opulence and outrageousness of the Capitol. I did find Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss a bit stiff at times, but I think that worked. Katniss is stiff and awkward in her own skin. She doesn't like attention or being in the spotlight. I thinking I was just wishing for a little more chemistry between her and both of the male leads. The actors playing Gale and Peeta are both well chosen for those roles. But neither seemed to have any real romantic chemistry with Katniss. Maybe that will change in the next movie - I sure hope spoilers here but read the books!

I came across this amazing site: Urban Landscapes Then and Now. Showing old photos of cities compared with the same spot in 2013. Amazing how much things have changed. But is it for the better? As I said to the friend that sent the link: will there be any undeveloped, unused space on this planet in another century? I sure hope so...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Boston Whovians Invade London!

2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the airing of Doctor Who. To celebrate the occasion the BBC threw a convention at London ExCel November 22, 23, and 24. Unfortunately the website for the con is no longer available so I cannot link to it.

There were 8 of us in total from the Boston area that were able to get tickets to the show and made the journey to London – some for the first time.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A first trip to Paris

London has always been my favorite city. I rarely travel anywhere else. While this trip was no exception, I did manage to squeeze in a couple of days in Paris. It was a short trip, not even 3 full days, but it was amazing. Paris is truly a magnificent city, full of history and stunning architecture. I plan to return and wouldn't hesitate to recommend you add it to your places to visit asap!

London to Paris

November 19, 2013

Everything is accessible in Europe. In just over two hours I can go from London to Paris. Europe is big and spread out, but America just seems vast. The only place I can be in two hours from Boston is Connecticut - not too shabby, but not Paris. Not another country.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Adventure Begins

Back to London for the 50th anniversary celebration of Doctor Who. Throw in a little side trip to Paris and a jaunt to Cardiff. An adventure indeed!

Starting off with a light dinner in the BA club world lounge. 


I'm hoping to get some sleep on the flight as I expect to hit the ground running when I arrive Thursday morning. First stop, Stratford Upon Avon for The Royal Shakespeare's Richard II starring Ten himself, David Tennant. We have obstructed seats and we're not sitting together but Who the heck cares! I'm just happy to be going. 

The lounge here is bustling. Time to read and settle down for the flight. 

More from London...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Outside my window

Fall is in full bloom. The chill is back in the air. Before we know it the clocks will be turned back. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"We're getting the gang back together"

Last night was spent with friends, old and new, all of whom were made possible by a British science fiction television show and the fan club that celebrated it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall is here...

Along with Indian summer.  What a beautiful Friday this turned into. And welcome it was after a long, short week (Columbus Day)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Getting stuff done

Weekends don't always have to be for errands. Not if you plan your after-work weekdays right. But every once in a while something comes up that you can only get to on a Saturday. 

Waiting for the inspection sticker for my car. 
Reward later - afternoon tea at Heath Tea Room in Rockport!

Friday, October 11, 2013


Home for a little while. Time to relax. I love Friday nights.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A photo a day keeps the doctor away

In an effort to keep myself writing and to appreciate what is going on around me, I am going to post a picture (or two) every day.

Loews Madison Hotel, Washington DC

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fall. Perfect.

There's nothing like a perfect fall weekend in New England.

Main Street, Concord, MA

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How time flies

It's almost the end of summer. The shortening of the days adds insult to injury. I've always been a morning person, I love rising with the sun. I take some of my best photos when I'm out early. Places like London and Las Vegas are so different when their streets are quiet and empty, eerie almost.

Fall and winter have their own lovely qualities but the long days of summer are this traveller's favorite. I will miss them. 

My fall trips are coming together. San Diego, DC, London and new to the line up - Paris. Exciting things to look forward to, softening the blow put upon me by shorter days and colder temps. I expect one day I will wake up and love the harsh chill of winter but until then, I'll be out soaking up as much daylight as I can. 
My days...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cavalia - Odysseo

Cirque du Soleil with horses...

Beautiful Sunday Morning

My nieces have got me into this Selfie Sunday picture taking thing. I'm actually enjoying it. Seeing myself at my most relaxed, which I tend to be on Sunday morning.

Today's adventure: Odysseo by Cavalia. Full report after the show!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

London Calling

This spring’s trip to London consisted of beautiful side trips, via train, to Portmeirion and Edinburgh.

Are you recycling?

Saturday morning is my cleaning time. I'm energized by the start of the weekend, and full of lofty ideas to make my home life more relaxing and calm.

Recycling is more than just separating your paper, plastic and glass.

Monday, September 2, 2013

LA…in February

I am one of approximately 3000 people who go to Los Angeles in February every year to spend the weekend inside. President’s Day weekend is Gallifrey weekend. As an [almost] life-long Doctor Who fan, this is the Doctor Who event of the year.

New York, New York

January 2013

New York in January is cold. But also beautiful and relatively quiet. I haven’t been a tourist in NYC since high school; suffice it to say that it was a looooong time ago. I’ve never ridden the subway. I’ve always had a per diem and someone else paying for the hotel. I’ve always taken the Acela.

2013, where did you go?

The summer is over. I've done a lot of traveling this year and I'm tasking myself with recapping it so I don't forget...